We had a great bean update today he had a growth spurt! He's now in the 37th percentile and weighs 2.7 lbs. They took measurements of his head, tummy and femur and his head actually measures in the middle of the 29th week. Good for little beaners!!! We got a bunch of pictures of his face. The nurse pointed out that he has filled out a bunch...she said, "see the cheeks?" We had to stare but I could tell too. David thinks their technology leaves a lot to be desired. hehe
My weight checked out fine too I¹m still on the small side but my OB/GYN said it was fine and to continue doing what I've been doing: exercise, diet, etc. I made my appointments for the remainder of the pregnancy today too. I go more frequently now, and I¹ve completed all the blood work that I will have to do. Thank God! My 9 month appointment will be the last sono and at that time the Dr. will be checking to see if he has turned. He's still breach at this point.
So that's my update. BTW, after much stress and anxiety, I passed my glucose test! I had worried too much, it was easy although I will never drink an orange crush soda, ever again!
Jolyn and bean
Ps. Here's a pic of me and my sweet friend, Suzanne at a wedding this weekend. We're both due this summer so it's fun to get the bumps together. She's having twins, a boy and a girl.
11 years ago