I've realized that having kids means that you go back to having/attending birthday parties. Now that we are getting into our 30's (sounds crazy even as I type that number) we typically don't celebrate a birthday with a big party: themed invitations, cake and ice cream, balloons, party favors, etc. Honestly, I kinda missed the festivities, but I had grown accustomed to having a few close friends over for dinner, and a glass (or bottle) of wine was just as tasty as a slice of sheet cake.
Well not anymore - bring on the party planners and the sugar high of another year gone by. We have attended some of the most fun birthday parties recently. Colin's friends are the coolest (keep in mind they are all between the ages of 0-2)! We have been to parties with petting zoos, parties with bounce houses, parties with pools, parties with the ice cream truck and parties with petting zoos, swimming pools AND the ice cream truck. Talk about raising the bar from my childhood "decorate your bike and ride it around the neighborhood" party. These days, that party theme would get a blank stare from a bunch of kids waiting for the circus to show up and paint not only their faces but the whole town. haha
Well I enjoyed my bike party, and I'm sure Colin will enjoy whatever we do no matter the scale of the celebration. All joking aside, we have been having a lot of fun and my mind is spinning with ideas for how to plan Colin's second birthday party. It's coming up in August so stay tuned! BTW, these picture were taken by the "professional photographer" hired at the last party we attended. ;)