I'm beginning to think I'm going to survive this motherhood thing (up until this week it was debatable). Colin might be entering a growth spurt. He has a huge appetite and he is eating more often this week. My boobs can hardly keep up, but now I know why he's been so fussy lately. Yesterday I found a genius solution to quiet his cries! I loaded his screaming butt in the car, turned up David's rap music and rolled down the windows. Just like magic, he feel asleep before I reached Starbucks. What a great trick?!? In fact, my housekeeper told me yesterday that my house was "too quiet" and she proceeded to turn on the vacuum cleaner. That also did the trick!
In other news, Colin is peeling and popping baby acne. He was absolutely perfect when was born, but now he's going through his first awkward stage. Not to worry, the pediatrician said it would heal in a few weeks. He has his one month appointment later this week. I'm curious to see how much he weighs now. It's funny to think that one day this little guy is going to be bigger than me!!!