David and I went to Trudy's last night for Mexican Martinis. I had a couple martinis but didn't feel drunk at all. My tolerance is definitely lower after taking a 10 month break from alcohol, but I thought I would be fine to feed Colin when we got home. Luckily, I had purchase the handy Milk Screen Test Strips just in case. I took the test and sure enough...failed! It's pretty easy to have your milk denied - the tolerance is only .02 (it's .08 to drive).
David thought it was blog worthy so we took a pic of my test results. Needless to say, I did the ole "pump and dump" trick for the first time (definitely not the last, hehe).

This is a new one - I have heard of the old "pump and dump" but didn't know they had a test for it! That's great. Thanks for all your funny posts! Miss you!