Thursday, January 20, 2011

Christiana's Baby Shower

My bestest friend, Christiana, will be welcoming her baby boy on my birthday, March 21st. Here are some pics from the shower for baby Jonah Braden McCarley.


My bionic baby now has tubes in his ears. We were up bright and early to take Colin to the surgery center by 6 am. Funny thing was that Colin was already awake, WE were tired, HE was not. :) In fact, he was quite animated at the surgery check in counter - he insisted on helping sign the forms and medical release papers. And he gave the receptionist my credit card before she even asked for it (evidence of my frequent shopping trips).

Once we were all checked in and paid up, they called for Colin. That was the part he wasn't happy about. Cue the screams and big crocodile tears (the kind that come after you hold your breath until your face turns red). Then, immediately after I handed Colin to the nurse, David said, "Are you sure we want to do this? Are ear infections really that bad?" I could not believe my ears! Were we really having second thoughts as they were wheeling our baby back for surgery? Luckily, there was a charge nurse who reassured us that it was the right decision. Even the neighboring patient behind the next curtain shouted out that her son had tubes and it was worthwhile. Thankfully the encouragement and reassurance - albeit from total strangers - came at the perfect time.

Just as David and I sat down in the waiting room, they were calling us back to get Colin. Everything went well with the surgery, and the ENT said that she was glad he had the procedure because it eliminated a lot of fluid/infection behind his ear drums. In fact, the audiologist compared his hearing to being under water. Poor baby! I'm so glad he will be free of ear infections and constant trips to the doctor. However, I may miss our pediatrician (who now knows me by name) because we were quickly becoming best friends.

Here is Colin as he woke up asking for da da.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Wanna know how I celebrated having 24 hours all to myself this weekend?

It was a fun night at Gringos with Steph and Amy.