It is fun to see all the changes in Colin's development. David and I can't stop talking about all the new things Colin does or says. For example, Colin recently grabbed the stud finder from the utility room cabinet and ran it along the wall. I immediately called David to ask if he had taught him that. David laughed and said yes.
Last night at Maudies, Colin watched as we dipped our chips in the queso bowl. He immediately grabbed a chip from the basket and dipped his whole hand (up to his wrist) in the queso. What a yummy mess!
He can point to my car in a crowded parking lot as well as point to our mail box (out of about 20 seemingly identical boxes). That really surprised me. Every day there is something new...
- He says a few words now: dada, mama, dog, ball, juice, trash, treat, and bottle
- He points to parts of his body when we call them out: ears, eyes, teeth, head, hair, mouth, toes, belly button, and tee tee (he learned this first and has NEVER forgotten (typical boy)).
- He understands simple things we tell him to do: throw garbage in the trash, take a bath, go upstairs, go outside, change diapers, give Monster a treat, read books, get in the high chair, watch tv/dvds, answer the door, and many more!
- He imitates everything we do: brushes his teeth with us, brushes his hair, uses the phone and the remote control, starts David's car (push button start) and grabs the steering wheel to drive, drinks out of cups, carries purses on his shoulder and gives my credit card to sales people (my personal favorite)
- He can use a fork and spoon and loves the new feeling of independence
- He throws and kicks balls and is excellent in playing fetch with Monster
- He rides in his Cozy Coupe and on his tricycle
- Oh, and he has starting running down hills while saying "weeeee"
Colin's 16 month doc appointment:
Weight = 21 lbs 6 oz. (5%-10%)
Height = 31.75 in. (50%)
Head = 48.6 cm. (75%-90%)
11 years ago