Sunday, September 13, 2009

My new favorite thing

If Oprah ever did an episode of her "Favorite Things" targeted towards baby stuff, this would definitely make the list. Introducing MY new favorite thing: The Fisher Price Little Lamb Cradle & Swing.

I remember when I was newly pregnant and I didn't want to register for lots of obnoxious baby gear for fear that it would clutter up the house. Well I've changed my mind! Colin's swing has taken a front and center spot in our living room, and I couldn't be more thankful that we own this huge contraption. It's what I call the new "chair of neglect." He happily spends several hours a day in his swing, and it allows me some much needed hands-free time to myself. We even went to Costco to buy D batteries in bulk - gotta stock pile those now! They are just as precious as diapers. :)

Here are some action shots of our little cutie enjoying his swing.


  1. He is just too precious! That is the same swing I got, so hopefully F and Z will love it just as much!

  2. That is the best swing. We borrowed one just like it because both kids HATED the swing that just goes front to back! Who knew they could care which way it swung? Glad you have started to enjoy your baby stuff.

  3. I told you :) Glad he is enjoying it!

  4. We have the same swing & Henry loved it! You might try rechargeable batteries. We invested in all sizes since it seems everything baby requires them!

  5. For the first 3-4 months, Trent took every nap in his swing. It was a TOTAL life saver. He is so cute!

  6. We have the older version (plain, no lamb) of that swing and both of my boys LOVE IT!!!! I love that it swings both directions! Harrison only liked it front/back and Jackson only likes it side/side. Too bad it doesn't plug in!
    Your little man is precious!
