I have a few "tricks of the trade" that I would recommend to any new parents. First off, buy a swing because that will be your favorite thing! Second, get an activity mat because that is how you will be able to take your shower every day. Lastly, get a baby bjorn because that is how you will dry your hair, put on make up, unload the dish washer, fold clothes, make the bed, cook dinner, feed the dog, walk the dog, etc. Basically if you need hands to do it, the Bjorn will get you free to get 'er done. I wish I had a picture of me drying my hair with Colin strapped to my chest bc it's quite an interesting thing to witness.
BTW, I feel like I've mastered the art of multitasking. I can now breast feed while holding Monster, working on the computer and talking on the phone. And I can even grab things with my feet when I'm giving Colin a bottle. Today David said, "Can you hand me the burp cloth?" I hooked it with a toe and tossed it to him. All in a days work.
I did snap a picture of David with his Bjorn on. It has a funny name but don't laugh bc this sucker is a God send...
Can't wait to use it! We got it out the other night thinking we could use it, but they have to be 8 lbs! ARG!!! We'll have to wait a little bit longer!