I'm suffering from a little thing called "Cedar Fever." If you have experienced an itchy, runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, headaches, or a sore throat, chances are good that you've got "the fever" too!!! I did some research to explain the problem...for myself and any others who are curious...
"Junipers (aka Cedars), are causing enormous problems for central Texas. The area of infestation in Texas already has a terrific problem with water shortages throughout the year. During years when rainfall is less than normal (approximately 30 inches), the juniper is absorbing ground water at an alarming rate. For the outdoors people, the juniper overtakes areas that would normally be in native hardwoods and grasses and ruins the area for outdoor enjoyment. Another serious area of concern for people is the pollen production that occurs each winter. This pollen production is the major culprit for allergy sufferers to seek refuge indoors and with heavy medication."
Now you ALL know that I'm a self-proclaimed, tree huger, but as far as I'm concerned, the cedar tree really has no redeeming value! According to my research, "It makes poor firewood, it is a poor landscape plant, it is a poor source of food for native animals and it is poor wood for construction." WELL, the cedar tree is not a tree that will be getting ANY hugs from me!
Here's what you can do to help your "fever":
Keep your doors and windows closed. Run the air conditioner when the pollen is extremely high.
Cover your air conditioning vents with cheesecloth to help filtrate the pollen, and change the air conditioning filter often. You may want to use a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter to help filtrate the pollen even more.
Dust your home with a damp cloth, and vacuum carpets with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter each week.
Take a shower and change your clothes after being outdoors for a long period of time. This will protect you from pollen that lands on your clothes and in your hair.
Bathe pets often, even if they live indoors.
Take allergy medicines exactly as prescribed. If you know cedar will be a problem for you each winter, see your doctor in early fall to update your treatment plan and stock up on prescription allergy medications.
And, eliminate any male cedar trees in your yard by replacing them with good hardwoods like elm, ash, or oak.
Click here to read more.
11 years ago
Do you take OTC Zyrtec? It helps me when I'm having problems.