Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Top 5 Things

I love my son to death, but he has recently developed typical toddler habits that drive me nuts. Here are the top 5 things Colin does that drive me crazy:

1. The Whine: You know the whine! The sound that I compare to Jim Carry's line in Dumb and Dumber, "You want to hear the most annoying sound in the whole world"? I am liable to give him anything he wants to put the wine to put a stop to the wining. Want my diamond ring to play with? How about daddy's power tools?

2. The Fit: Outta' no where comes the fit. Because I take too long to prepare his meals, or I want to change a dirty diaper, or I want him to get in his car seat, or I stop him from throwing the iphone in the trash (or the toilet). BTW, Christmas morning he threw his monitor in the toilet at 5 am while we were trying to get "5 more minutes" of rest after our 4 hours of sleep the night before.

3. The Food Toss: Sadly this happens nearly every day, at every meal. He's done eating but there is one more thing to do - toss the plate, throw the vegetables and my favorite "look at mommy while I slowly push my sippy cup over the side of the high chair". Now I have a dirty floor, a messy baby, and a dog who might vomit blueberries and pancakes in the bed tonight. Awesome!

4. The Destroyer: Magazines, important mail, anything within reach that is fragile enough to be torn by little fingers. The best is the destruction of the cabinets or the clearing of the coffee table or the continuous throwing of the dog food/water bowls.

5. The Dare Devil: Dare Devils have no sense of gravity and neither does Colin. The saying, "What goes up must come down" has NO meaning to Colin. David and I feel a drop our stomachs every time Colin climbs on the couch, jumps on the bed or stands on objects that are not made for standing. This usually results in a huge wine (see #1) and a fit (see #2).

Can anyone relate? I'm being brutally honest, I LOVE him, but he does drive me nuts sometimes - especially today!


  1. I TOTALLY understand girl. The only reason toddlers take naps is so we don't go completely insane.... Per Wyatt's grandfather who has come to this conclusion after spending just one week with him:)

  2. I can relate X 2. Call me and I will give you my tips on how to survive and minimize those behaviors. (or at least try) And by the way, Davis has been to time out every day this week. It's hard to believe he's a perfect angel at school (according to his teachers).

  3. Yep! Right now Zane is the resident whiner and Finley can throw a mean tantrum (falling to the floor and all...thankfully not too often! Oh, and they can empty a toy bin in 3 seconds flat and then run into another room to do the same thing leaving it for mommy to clean up! Gotta love em!

  4. The whining is the worst. Trent can throw a terrible tantrum but the whining is what really gets me. Also the constant NO!! to whatever is asked of him or for no reason at all. It was great seeing you at the grocery store.
