Also on the subject of poop, we had an interesting run-in with one of our neighbors this week. Let me first say that we love our neighborhood and almost everyone we have met is SO warm and friendly...except one "special" neighbor.
We take a family walk every evening (David, Colin, Monster and me) complete with the BOB stroller, water bottles, bug spray, flash lights and doggie bags. We always pick up the Monster's poop (which Colin is quick to point out) and Sunday night was no exception.
As we were walking past a particular house on our street, a grumpy neighbor (who will remain nameless) was glaring at us from her window. She immediately opened the door and yelled, "I assume you pick up after your dog!" David and I kept walking, not quite sure why someone would be yelling at us (the model citizens that we are.) Then our crazy neighbor started running after us screaming, "Don't walk away while I'm talking to you." My stomach sank because I knew this comment would not be tolerated by David.
David immediately put the brakes on the stroller and turned around. He said, "You are very rude." Which was followed by "I'm just protecting my property sir." David then said, "Well go back to your property." Then I heard some snide remark from her about "...interesting way to raise a child...blah, blah, blah." Now THIS comment got under MY skin. I probably should have held my tongue, but my blood was boiling at this point. Then I said loudly, "Lady, I'm going to poop in your yard if you don't leave us alone!" Pretty classy, huh?
I have a feeling we won't be invited to her holiday party this year. And I'm 100% okay with that! Although she may be getting one of these from Santa...plus a bag of coal...I mean poop.
I can't imagine what she would have to say about how you raise Colin - she sounds like the wicked witch of the neighborhood! I'll help you flame a bag of "coal" at her door. ;-)