Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Countdown to Bean's Arrival

For the longest time, I was counting up - first trimester, second, third, etc. But at some point I transitioned to counting down. I'm not sure when it happened but my calendar looks like an old bingo score card. Every day I look forward to putting a big "X" over the date, and I think to myself, one more down. I realize no one is counting down the days like I am BUT only single digits remain now!!! Put a fork in me bc I'm done! When my friends told me the last couple weeks were difficult, they weren't kidding. I've said it before and I'm going to say it again, it would be a hell of a lot easier to lay eggs.

I've been so lucky to have a good pregnancy (get ready for the complaints), but today I'm limping around trying to hold on for a few more days. I was at the mall today and a 90+ year old woman passed me doing her shopping. It's like I'm holding up pedestrian traffic or something. Plus, I can't go anywhere w/o getting asked, "When's the baby due?" I'm getting a kick out of telling people, "Next week!" The most shocking reactions are at the gym. I can almost feel people staring at me thinking: please don't have your baby in our lap pool mam. I guess I can understand their line of thinking bc before I was 38 weeks pregnant I thought babies would just fall out at inopportune times. However, now I know that it's not that easy. Someone asked me today, "Have you tried all the old wives tales like eating spicy food, having sex, and taking long walks?" I just replied that my little guy was stuck and probably very happy about it.

Baby bean is getting too big and strong - he needs a new home - not my stomach!!! 40 weeks is for the birds. The End (is near). :)


  1. You can make it! I know that you are so excited to meet sweet Bean! What a lucky little boy he will be!

    I am counting down the days with you!!! :)

    Love you!

  2. Hang in there. Just think, at most, it's only 8 more days. I remember with Davis that I would wake up each day and think, "how can I still be pregnant?"

  3. Thinking of you and David, Jolyn! Such an exciting time! I will be praying you through and hoping to get up there to hug you ALL!!!!!!! You are in my prayers and happy thoughts! Love - Forever --- GRANNY NANNY FATHEREE

  4. Awwwwwwwwww, this is soooooo special!!!! I can't wait to meet my sweet nephew... I love him aready :) and his AWESOME parents too of course :)

  5. I cannot wait for Beans arrival... and to start calling him by a name instead of Bean! ;) I am certain you are still adorable! Hang in there.
